
Think For Yourselves!

I'm tired of this idea that if one points out the extent that a set of people will go to in order to demonize another set of people, one must be in support of the other set. On the contrary. Some folks don't need help to make themselves look bad; why go out of your way to point it out?

More often than not, the end result only shows up the foolishness of both sides; and the mental and logistical contortions needed to justify each point of view only makes things more confusing for those who would rather be told what to think, than actually do their own research and look at the big picture to see what's really going on around them. When you're focused on individual trees, you tend to miss out on the entire forest.

Then, to make things even worse... when you see those who claim to espouse a certain set of ideals, demonstrating - at times gleefully - the very same behaviours for which they accuse their opposite number, it becomes painfully obvious that George Orwell was only too accurate in his novel 1984. Now, we are told that up is down, white is black, lies are truth, violence is peaceful, and left is right.

Friedrich Nietzsche said, "They muddy the water, to make it seem deep." But it's really not; all one has to do, is step back, refuse to get caught up in fall guy/blame game, follow the changing "facts" as they have been presented over the years - and see what's really going on under all the mainstream media productions.

It's time to let go of the cultural conditioning.

Think for yourselves.