
I've never been "Woke"

Felix knows what life is about.
Felix knows what life is about.

As someone who has always been somewhat of a private person, I've never been what you could call "woke." I am, to some extent, awake; I've always tried to be empathic and considerate in my actions, and I tend to consider my words before I say anything. This whole movement towards "political correctness" and "social justice" has never sat well with me, and seemed to me to be pushing personal and group relationships  backwards instead of forwards - creating more of an isolationist culture more than anything else. 


The whole thing has come to a head for me, in light of the current events in the USA, and frankly, it's rather tiring to insist on objectivity form people who are invested in seeing only what reinforces their worldview, only to be told that I'm taking sides and that my thinking has been warped. This rather long open letter by an African national expresses exactly my feelings on this matter, in words that I have been too lazy to put down, so far.



Life is what one makes it, and if people wish to consider themselves perpetual victims of a system established to enforce a particular status quo, there's nothing I can do about that situation. I can only work to improve the lives of myself and those I care for - if that's what they want. I wish all the best of everything for everyone in this new year. Be safe, and be well.

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  • #1

    Kevin Davis (Monday, 08 March 2021 20:52)

    As I am fond of saying (and being castigated for) people as individuals come in different "flavours"; some smart, some dumb, some weak, some strong. People as a collective can be stupid to the point you do not recognise the individuals making up the collective that you are acquainted with. Unfortunately politics and religion seem to divest individuals of critical thinking and logic, both the followers and the leaders. There is nothing inherently wrong in "following", it's the need to do so blindly that leaves me wondering.