
The Black Sheep

Today is supposed to be World Mental Health Day.


With that in mind, I'd like to point out that attempting to invalidate my own lived experiences because you had them and don't/can't/can't/won't understand them, is no better than (or different from) implementing rules that promote certain groups over others in the name of "diversity." Neither is destroying public and private property in the name of "protesting violence" or saying that only certain groups can perform this/that activity because "racist/bigot/sexist/phobic/etc."

As someone who has pretty much been the outsider for most of my life, it's easy to see how all these so-called "progressive" movements are ultimately just cases of people being the very things which they claim to be fighting against, yet those who choose to point out the irony are quickly and vehemently labeled as (siding with) the vile enemy. "Rules for thee, but not for me." I'm well aware that my own perspective may be quite the unpopular one, but consider this - sometimes the black sheep may be the only one telling the truth. Don't let all those trees prevent you from seeing the forest.


Think for yourselves.

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